LEAP At the 2024 Arctic Change Conference

ArcticNet’s 5th International Arctic Change Conference (AC2024) was held in Ottawa from December 9th to 12th, 2024. As a hub for Arctic research in Canada, the Arctic Change Conference brings together a broad range of research in, and about the Arctic and northern regions of Canada and the world.

CREATE LEAP instructors and trainees were active participants in AC2024, contributing to panel discussions or presenting posters. CREATE LEAP also organized a joint training session with PermafrostNet on Exploring Professional Skills For Permafrost Careers in Canada’s North, featuring LEAP instructors Steve Kokelj and Nick Brown and LEAP additional Trainee, Camellia Gray.

CREATE LEAP-PermafrostNet Joint Training Session at AC2024 Conference ( Left to right: Steve Kokelj, Camellia Gray, Nick Brown, Erika Hille).

Poster presentation by CREATE LEAP Trainees

Léa Cornette presented a poster on Navigating the Arctic Firescape: Biogeochemical Cycles of Soil Nutrients and Indigenous Perspectives in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region

Rémi Lord-Quintric presented a poster entitled Mapping post-fire vegetation composition and structure changes in the Taiga Plains using an unoccupied aerial vehicle

Bruno Lecavalier presented a poster on Environmental Sensitivity and Variability of CO2 fluxes on the Forest-Tundra Ecotone: Insights from 12 Years of Eddy Covariance in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region

Olivia Meier-Legault presented a poster on Ground Temperature Observations as Evidence for Permafrost Thaw across multiple sites in Canada

Rachel Lackey presented a poster entitled Quantifying Near-surface Lateral Groundwater Flow in a Discontinuous Permafrost Setting.