Léa is a master’s student in geography at the Université de Montréal and a member of PermafrostNet Theme 4 – Hazards and impacts associated with permafrost thaw. Before starting her master’s, she completed a B.Sc. in Environmental Geography also at the Université de Montréal. Her Honours research focused on the variability of CO2 fluxes along a permafrost thaw gradient on degraded thermokarst lake shores in the Arctic tundra. Her research now aims to better understand the effects of wildfires on soil nutrients in an Arctic tundra ecosystem. As with her Honours project, her master’s degree is taking place in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR), near Inuvik. Having had the opportunity to participate in various field campaigns in the North for the past two years, and in collaboration with our Inuvialuit partners, Léa has gained technical experience and knowledge of the issue of permafrost thawing. Her goal in participating in the LEAP program is to enrich her understanding of permafrost-related research fields, broaden her expertise and equip herself with the professional skills needed to better shape her master’s project and apply this knowledge to problem-solving in collaboration with Indigenous communities.